Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hoofstuk 12 - 15

Hoofstuk 12

Mvula gaan gaal vir Zolile by die skool in Pietermaritzburg
Mvula goes to fetch Zolile at school in Pietermaritzburg
- hy is soontoe was hy was te slim vir sy klas en omdat Thandi hom weg van Amazolo wou hê
- he was sent there because he was too bright for his class and also because Thandi wanted to get him away from Amazolo
- Mvula kry ‘n terugflits na Zolile se inisiasie (thomba-seremonie)
Mvula has a flashback to Zolile’s initiation (thomba ceremony)
- Umakoti = medisyne, dieselfde woord word gebruik vir ‘n dogter wat gaan trou
- Umakoti = medicine, the same word is used for a daughter that gets married
- Thandi was kwaad, want sy mag nie vir Zolile gesien het nie (dis net ou vrouens wat as mans geag word in hulle kultuur)
- Thandi was angry, because she wasn’t allowed to see Zolile during this time (she was too young - only old women were considered as men in their culture)
- Zolile het ‘n nuwe naam ontvang - Mehlw’e-ntombi (meisie oë) - tydens sy inisiasie
- Zolile received a new name - Mehlw’e-ntombi (girls eyes) - during his initiation
- Zolile se vriende by die skool (die van die groot stede) spot hom oor sy familie se tradisies en oor sy nuwe naam
- Zolile’s friends at school (those from the big cities) make fun of his family’s traditions and of his new name
Mvula vra hom of hy al besluit het of hy gaan boer die daaropvolgende jaar (hy is in matriek)
Mvula asks Zolile if he has decided if he wants to become a farmer the following year (he’s in matric)
- Zolile wil eerder medies gaan studeer (wat Thandi se keuse vir hom is)
- Zolile rather wants to go study medicine (which is Thandi’s wish)

Zolile praat met Malandlela oor sy ouers se huwelik en vra dan uit oor Amazolo terwyl hulle besig is om ‘n heining op te sit (die heining breek terwyl hulle praat - Malandlela se aandag word afgetrek as Zolile oor Amazolo vra)
Zolile speaks to Malandlela about his parents’ marriage and then about Amazolo while they are busy laying a fence (the fence breaks while they talk - the reason is because Malandlela is distracted by Zolile who asks where Amazolo is)

Zuziwe loop vir dae in die Mhlatuze-vallei, op soek na Amazolo
Zuziwe walks for days in the Mhlatuze-valley, looking for Amazolo
- sy kry ‘n leë iqhugwane en die mense sê Amazolo is lank terug al weg
- she finds an empty iqhugwane and they tell her that Amazolo left long ago
- a vrou vertel Zuziwe dat Amazolo weg is, want sy het isidwabas van lap gemaak en die vrouens van die gemeenskap wou dit nie koop nie want
- a lady tells Zuziwe that Amazolo left because she had made isidwabas of material (dresses) but the ladies of the community didn’t want to buy it because
1. Dit was te duur
1. It was too expensive
2. Hulle dra eerder koeivel daar
2. They wear cow hide there
Zuziwe kry vir Amazolo in Eshowe, waar sy ‘n kamer met die huismense se kinders deel
Zuziwe finds Amazolo in Eshowe - she shares a room with children
- Amazolo kry skaam om hier gesien te word - sy bly in ‘n moderne huis met ‘n kraan, dis ‘n buurtarea, nie landelik, en NB! Die umakweyane-boog wat Mlenzana vir haar gemaak het lê gebreek op haar bed (‘n simbool van haar en Mlenzana se gebroke liefde)
- Amazolo feels ashamed to be seen here - she lives in a modern house with a tap, it’s a suburban area, not rural, and NB! the umakweyane bow which Mlenzana made for her lies broken on her bed (symbol of her and Mlenzana’s broken love)
- Zuziwe sê sy gaan vir Zolile vertel waar Amazolo is
- Zuziwe says that she is going to tell Zolile where to find her
- Amazolo sê sy moenie, want dis beter dat hy net een ma het
- Amazolo says that she mustn’t because he must rather have only one mother
- Zuziwe vertel Amazolo van die merk van die amathondo wat op haar kind was toe hy gebore is - die vroedvrou het die merk agter die kind se oor gesien
- Zuziwe tells Amazolo about the mark of the amathongo which was on her child when he was born - the lady who delivered him saw the white marks behind Amazolo’s child’s ear
- Likwezi het gekyk en Zolile het die merk - dit bewys dat hy Amazolo se kind is
- Likwezi went and checked and Zolile has these marks - this proves that he is Amazolo’s child
- Zuziwe sê dis waarom die geeste nie met haar wou praat oor die kind nie - hulle het hom reeds vir haar gemerk
- Zuziwe says that this is why the spirits would not speak to her about the child - because they had marked him for her

Thandi sit alleen en dink oor haar lot
Thandi sits alone and thinks about her fate
­- Mvula het Zolile aangeneem as sy seun, maar dit het nie hulle eie verhouding versterk nie
- Mvula had accepted Zolile as his son, but this didn’t make their own relationship any stronger

Zuziwe is dying
Zuziwe is dying
- sy laat Likwezi kom, want sy wil hê sy moet vir Zolile vertel van die merk van die amathongo en waar hy Amazolo kan opspoor
- she calls for Likwezi, who she believes must tell the child about the mark and where to find Amazolo
- Likwezi word geroep, maar Thandi weier dat sy gaan en dreig om haar af te dank
Likwezi is called but Thandi refused that she goes and threathens to fire her if she does
- Likwezi gaan steeds, want sy sê dat sy eerder honger sal wees as om die geeste te ontstel (sy is ook baie eerbiedig teenoor die voorvader en is baie tradisioneel)
- Likwezi still goes, because she says that she would rather be hungry than upset the spirits (she is also very respectful of the forefathers and is very traditional)
Zuziwe sterf voor sy kans kry om met Likwezi te praat
Zuziwe dies before she gets a chance to speak to Likwezi

Hoofstuk 13

Die storie fokus nou op Sipho
The story now focuses on Sipho
- Sipho is steeds baie ryk op hierdie stadium (hy het baie beeste, vroue en seuns)
- Sipho is still very rich at this stage (he has a lot of cattle, wives and sons)
- baie mense glo dat hy geseën is deur die geeste met geld
- most people believe that he was blessed by the spirits with money
- die ouderlinge van die stam glo nie dat die geeste hom geseën het nie, want hy het nooit die amathongo/voorvaders respekteer nie
- the elders of his tribe did not believe this because he did not respect the amathongo/forefathers
Nomsa is Sipho se dogter
Nomsa is Sipho’s daughter
- sy vermoed dat hy ‘n skelm ou is
- she suspects that he is a shady character
- hy dink nooit aan die nag toe hy Amazolo beroof het nie, behalwe as hy na haar kyk
- he never thinks of the night he robbed Amazolo, except when he looks at her

Zolile ry huis toe van Pretoria (hy is ‘n mediese student) na Tugella Ferry
Zolile is driving from Pretoria (he is in medical school) to Tugella Ferry
- hy dink oor hoe die gemeenskap meer modern raak
- he reflects on how the community is becoming more modern
- Thandi word kwaad wanneer hy praat oor die tradisies wat wegval – sy weet dat hy sy eie tradisies by Amazolo geleer het en voel bedreig (hy sê hy sien haar in elke vrou wat ‘n hooftooisel en ‘n plooitjiesromp dra)
- Thandi becomes angry when he talks about traditions that are fading - she knows that he learnt his own traditions from Amazolo and feels threathened (he says he sees her in every woman with a headress and a pleated skirt)
As Zolile huis toe gaan, hoor hy van Zuziwe se dood en dat sy vir Likwezi wou sien voor sy dood is – Thandi wil nie vir hom ‘n rede hiervoor gee nie
When Zolile arrives home, he hears of Zuziwe’s death and that she wanted to see Likwezi before she died - Thandi doesn’t give him a reason for this

Amazolo ontvang briewe van Likwezi
Amazolo receives letters from Likwezi
- Sy vertel haar dat Zuziwe dood is
- She tells her that Zuziwe is dead
­­- Sy vertel haar ook dat sy vir Zolile gaan sê waar hy vir Amazolo kan vind, want dis die regte ding om te doen en omdat hy ‘n man is
- She also tells he that she is going to tell Zolile where to find Amazolo because it is the right thing to do and because he is a man

Zolile ry in sy Land-Rover deur die landelike areas waar mense steeds tradisioneel lewe
Zolile drives in his Land-Rover through rural areas where people still live traditionally
Hy kry ‘n veldhospitaal – ‘n klein baksteengebou met ‘n minibus en ‘n 4x4 bakkie
He comes upon a field hospital - a small brick building with a minibus and a 4x4 bakkie
Hy ontmoet Dr Gumede en sy vrou Suster Gumede (Suster Gumede is die een wie vir Mlenzana medisyne gegee het toe Amazolo deur die hond gebyt is
He meets Dr Gumede and his wife Sister Gumede (Sister Gumede is the one who gave Mlenzana medicine for Amazolo’s wound when she was bitten by the dog earlier in the book)
Dr Gumede wys vir Zolile die veldhospitaal – dit is baie yl in voorraad en het nie genoegsame apparate nie
Dr Gumede shows Zolile the hospital - it is very poorly stocked and they don’t have sufficient equipment
- hulle nooi hom om vakansies daar te kom uithelp
- they invite him to come work there during his holidays

Zolile spandeer nou meeste van sy vakansies by die Gumede’s se veldhospitaal
Zolile now spends his holidays at the Gumede’s field hospital
- Mvula stem nie hiermee saam nie, maar Thandi verlekker haar daarin, want sy geniet dit om Mvula ongelukkig te sien
- Mvula doesn’t agree with this but Thandi encourages him because she wants to see Mvula suffer
- Hy herken die omliggende areas om die hospital en dink dat dit moontlik die pad was wat hy en sy ma gestap het toe hulle weggehardloop het van Thandi
- He recognises the areas surrounding the hospital and thinks that it may be the same path he and Amazolo fled on when they were running away from Thandi
- Hy klim uit sy kar en neem die voetpad in die bos in
- He gets out of his car and takes a trail further into the bush
Hy kry ‘n klomp hutte en ontmoet daar vir Sipho
He then comes upon a bunch of huts and there he meets Sipho
- Sipho skrik hom boeglam en hardloop weg, want Zolile lyk presies soos Mlenzana, wat hy doodgemaak het
- Sipho looks like he saw a ghost and runs away because Zolile looks like Mlenzana, whom Sipho killed
Later ontmoet hy Nomsa, wat op ‘n rots sit en teken
He later meets up with Nomsa, sitting on cliff drawing
- hy sê vir haar dat hy dink hy en sy ma het langs hierdie pad gestap
- he tells her that he thinks he and his mother walked along this path

Hoofstuk 14

Maande het verbygegaan en Zolile is tuis vir die vakansie en soek vir Nomsa
Months have passed and Zolile is home for the holidays again and looks for Nomsa
- hy kry haar en hou haar van ver af dop vir dae
- he finds her and watches her from afar for three days
- sy nooi hom om met haar te kom gesels
- she then invites him over to come talk
- hy nooi haar saam met hom na die veldhospitaal
- he invites her to the field hospital
- wanneer hulle daar kom is die hospitaal volgepak met mense, want ‘n bruilofsfees het skeefgeloop
- when they get there, the hospital is packed because of a wedding ceremony that went wrong
- wanneer hulle huis toe gaan, wil Nomsa alleen loop – sy is ‘n baie private mens en is skrikkerig vir Zolile om haar pa te ontmoet
- when they get home, Nomsa wants to walk home alone - she is a private person and is wary of Zolile meeting her father
Wanneer Zolile by die huis kom, laat roep hy vir Likwezi
When Zolile gets home, he calls for Likwezi
- Hy sê sy moet alles vir hom vertel
- He tells her that she must tell him everything
- Sy vertel hom dat Amazolo in Eshowe is, naby aan Mhlatuze, die plek waarheen sy die kind wou vat toe hulle weggehardloop het
- She tells him that Amazolo is in Eshowe, close to Mhlatuze, the place she wanted to take him when they ran away
- Likwezi gee vir hom die brief wat Amazolo vir Thando in die tronk geskryf het – dis ‘n hartseer brief en sy besef vir die eerste keer dat sy ma sy behoeftes bo hare gestel het en wou hê dat hy ‘n goeie toekoms moet hê
- Likwezi gives him the letter that Amazolo wrote to Thandi in jail - it is a sad letter and he realises for the first time that his mom sacrificed herself for his well-being and that she wanted him to have a good future
- Sy vertel Zolile ook van die merk van die amathongo agter sy oor en hoe dit bewys dat hy Amazolo se seun is
- She also tells Zolile of the mark of the amathongo behind his ear and how this proves that he his Amazolo’s son

Amazolo gaan na die dokter
Amazolo goes to the doctor
- sy het tuberkulose
- she has TB
- sy het te lank gewag om mediese aandag te kry – sy voel sy het haar lot verdien oor die dinge wat sy gedoen het toe sy swanger was met die kind en omdat sy hom nie wou hê nie (sy glo Zuziwe wat gesê het dat sy gedoem is hiervoor) = dis hoekom die boek sê: “Zuziwe was reg - haar straf hou nie op nie.”
- she waited too long to seek medical help - she felt that she deserved her fate because of the things she did when she was pregnant with the baby and for not wanting the baby (she believes Zuziwe who said that she was cursed for this) = this is why the book says “Zuziwe was reg - haar straf hou nie op nie.”

Hoofstuk 15

Nomsa konfronteer Sipho
Nomsa goes to confront Sipho
- sy het daardie middag beendere onder die krans gekry
- she had found a skeleton under the cliff that afternoon
- sy weet nou dat dit Sipho was wat Amazolo se geld gesteel het en Mlenzana vermoor het
- she now knows that it was Sipho who had stolen Amazolo’s money and killed Mlenzana
- sy vra hom hoe hy so ryk geword het en erken dat hy Amazolo se geld gesteel het
- she asks him how he became so rich and he admits that he stole it from Amazolo
- hy erken ook dat hy Mlenzana vermoor het en vertel haar dat sy gees teruggekeer het (in Zolile, wat hy dink Mlenzana is)
- he also admits to killing Mlenzana and tells her that his spirit has returned (in Zolile, who he thinks is Mlenzana)
Nomsa sê dat hy vir Zolile na Sipho sal bring – hy kan besluit wat met hom gebeur
Nomsa says that she will bring Zolile to Sipho - he can decide then what happens to him

Nomsa stuur ‘n brief na Zolile
Nomsa sends Zolile a letter
- sy vertel hom oor haar pa wat sy ma se geld gesteel het en wie vir Mlenzana doodgemaak het
- she tells him about her father who stole the money and who killed Mlenzana
- sy vertel hom waar Mlenzana se beendere is
- she tells him where to find Mlenzana’s remains
- sy sê dat hulle verhouding gedoem is, want alles wat sy het is verkry deur sy ma se teespoed
- she says that their relationship is doomed because everything she has was gained from his mother’s misfortune
Suster Gumede vertel Zolile dat Mlenzana na die hospitaal gekom het om medisyne te kry vir Amazolo
Sister Gumede tells Zolile that Mlenzana came to their hospital to fetch medicine for Amazolo
- Mlenzana was later weer daar om dankie te sê – hy het toe net gehoor dat Zolile sy kind is (sy sê sy nie so ‘n mooi storie sal vergeet nie)
- Mlenzana was there later again to say thank you - he had just learnt that Zolile was his son (she says that you don’t forget a nice story like that)

Zolile gaan besoek Amazolo in Eshowe
Zolile goes to visit Amazolo in Eshowe
- hy wys haar die merk van die amathongo en sê hy is haar kind
- he shows her the mark of the amathongo and says he’s her child
- hy sê hy het haar kom haal en gaan Mlenzana se skaduwee (beendere) gaan haal
- he says he came to fetch her and he is going to fetch Mlenzana’s shadow (remains) as well
- sy sê dat sy nie omgee nie, want hy het haar alleen gelos in die tronk
- she says that she doesn’t care because he left her alone in jail
- Zolile vertel haar dat hy dood is en dat hy doodgegaan het terwyl hy haar geld probeer terugkry het (en dat Sipho hom doodgemaak het)
- Zolile tells her that he is dead and that he died trying to get her money back (and that Sipho killed him)
Hy tel die gebreekte umakweyane-boog en sien dat iemand dit probeer herstel het
He picks up the broken umakweyane bow and sees that someone tried to fix it
- hy sê dat die klank nooit weer dieselfde sal wees nie (NB! Dit beteken dat die verbintenis/liefde tussen hom, sy ma en sy pa nooit weer dieselfde sal wees nie)
- he notes that she sound will never be the same again (NB! It means that the connection/love between him, his mother and father will never be the same)
Hy dra Amazolo na die Land-Rover en sy vra oor en oor om te hoor van Mlenzana
He carries Amazolo to his Land-Rover and she asks over and over again to hear about Mlenzana
Hy neem haar later na die veldhospitaal
He later takes her to the field hospital
- Dr Gumede sê dat hy niks vir haar kan doen nie
- Dr Gumede says there is nothing he can do for her
- Sy moet na ‘n plek geneem word waar sy gemaklik kan wees
- She must be taken to a place where she is comfortable
Hy neem haar na haar nuwe iqhugwane wat hy en Malandlela vir haar gebou het
He takes her to the new iqhugwane that he and Malandlela had built for her
- sy sê: “jy het hom mooi gemaak, net soos jou pa”
- she says: “jy het hom mooi gemaak, net soos jou pa”

Thandi gaan na Amazolo se hut
Thandi goes to Amazolo’s hut
- gaan om Zolile aan Amazolo “terug te gee” en daardeur erken sy dat haar eie seun dood is
- she goes to “return” Zolile to Amazolo and through his admits that her own son is dead
- sy vra of Amazolo vir Zolile ‘n nuwe naam gaan gee – sy sê nee, want “’n mens kan ‘n olifant nie groter maak met ‘n nuwe naam nie”
- she asks if Amazolo is going to give Zolile a new name - she says no, because “‘n mens kan ‘n olifant nie groter maak met ‘n nuwe naam nie”
Amazol vertel dan vir Zolile om  Mlenzana se beendere te gaan haal
Amazolo then tells Zolile to go fetch Mlenzana’s remains

Zolile versamel Mlenzana se beendere, sit dit in ‘n sak en sleep ‘n tak agter hom aan sodat daar nie spore tussen daardie plek en Mlenzana se nuwe rusplek is nie
Zolile collects Mlenzana’s remains, puts it in a bag and drags a branch behind him so that there aren’t footsteps between that place and where he is taking Mlenzana
(Nota: Zolile is bygelowig en baie tradisioneel, baie soos Amazolo)
(Note: Zolile is superstitious and very traditional, much like Amazolo)
Hulle sien hoe Nomsa op ‘n klip sit oppad na die kar
They see Nomsa sitting on a rock on their way to the car
Malandlela gaan en kry vir Nomsa (hy gooi haar oor sy skouer en dra haar tot by die kar) – hy volg die ukuthwala inthombi, wat ‘n ritueel is in hulle kultuur wat sê dat as ‘n meisie haar nie aan ‘n man steur as hy haar soek nie, hy iemand kry wat haar vang en haar na sy huis bring
Malandlela goes and fetches Nomsa (he throws her over his shoulder and carries her to the car) - he follows the ukuthwala inthombi, which is a ritual in their culture that states that when a girl is not bothered by a man that pursues her, he gets someone to catch her and bring her to his house
Hulle gee vir Nomsa tradisionele klere om te dra sodat Amazolo Zolile se bruid in dit kan sien voor sy doodgaan
They give Nomsa traditional clothing to wear so Amazolo can see his bride in them before she dies
- sy dra ‘n kort, helderkleurige doek om haar heupe en ‘n wit mantel om haar skouers
- she wears a short brightly-coloured cloth around her hips and a white mantel around her shoulders


  1. Thanks alot, Exam for Afrikaans p2 today and it's about this book.

    1. what was the question asked in the Afrikaans exam

  2. Thank u soooooooo much... This is going to help me get good grades for my Afrikaans P2😘😘😘

  3. shot for the summaries, paper 2 tomorrow!!!

  4. Thank uuu so much for the summary

  5. i was legit waiting this entire time for them to say Mlenzana is still alive. but alas

  6. Thank you I'm writing paper 2 tomorrow I guess I'm going to pass, well I hope so.

  7. writing paper 2 tomorrow
    this has been a big help

    1. what was the question asked for Afrikaans exam in paper 2

  8. Just discovered gold with this since I got paper 2 tomorrow and cant speak any Afrikaans. So thanks!
