Hoofstuk 1
In hierdie hoofstuk maak ons kennis met Amazolo, ‘n tradisionele Zulu inboorling in Tugella Ferry
This chapter introduces us to Amazolo, a traditional Zulu native who lives in Tugella Ferry
Amazolo is swanger met haar liefling se kind - die man wat haar verlaat het (Mlenzana) om op die myne in Johannesburg te gaan werk
Amazolo is pregnant with the love of her life’s baby - the man who also left her (Mlenzana) to go work on the mines in Johannesburg
Sy weier om die swangerskap te aanvaar en verwyt die kind - sy doen daarom ‘n klomp dinge wat teen haar kultuur is om die geeste en gode om te krap:
She refuses to accept the pregnancy and resents the child - she therefore does numerous things against their culture to upset the spirits and her gods:
- sy eet tarentaal en haas
- she ate guineau fowl and rabbit
- sy staan terwyl sy eet
- she stood while she ate
- sy dra nie ‘n takkie van die spoorplant umkhondo saam met haar om die kind teen bose spore waaroor sy moontlik geloop het, te beskerm nie
- she never carried the spore plant umkhondo with her to protect the child against the evil steps she might have walked on
Sy het oorspronklik ‘n malondolo van klei met ‘n grasdak gebly, maar wou ‘n Zoeloe-hut hê, ‘n iqhugwane - Mlenzana en sy vriende het vir haar een gemaak
She initially stayed in a malondolo with a clay wall and a grass roof, but she wanted a Zulu hut, a iqhugwane - Mlenzana and his friends then made her one
‘n Iqhugwane word gebou deur takke in ‘n groot kring in die grond te plant en dit middel toe te buig en dit met nat bas vas te bind - hulle maak dan grasmatte op dit vas en maak die vloer van klei en beesmis
A iqhugwane is built by planting branches in a big circle in the ground and bending it over to the middle and tying it with wet bark - they then attach grass mats to the whole exterior and the floor is made with clay and beesmis
Amazolo was verloof aan Mlenzana voor hy weg is - sy het ‘n swart geplooide romp van koeivel gedra, ‘n isidwaba, en daar was baie krale om haarnek
Amazolo was betrothed to Mlenzana before he left - she wore a black pleated skirt of cow hide, the isidwaba, and there was a lot of beads around her neck
Nadat Mlenzana weg is, het haar swangerskap begin wys
After Mlenzana had left, her pregnancy started showing
Amazolo se water breek en sy gaan in kraam in
Amazolo’s water breaks and she goes into labour
- sy skree nie, want sy wil nie die kind se geboorte erken nie
- she does not scream, because she doesn’t want to acknowledge the child’s birth
Zuziwe, die isangoma, was daar gedurende die geboorte - sy dra ‘n ibeshu soos ‘n man en dra ‘n skild en asgaai
Zuziwe, the isangoma, was there at the birth - she wears a ibeshu like a man and carries a shield and spear
Die baba is gebore en dis ‘n seun - sy gee nie vir hom ‘n naam nie en sê hulle moet hom aan iemand gee wat vir hom ‘n naam wil gee (sy sê ook hy het nie ‘n ma nie)
The baby is born and it’s a boy - she doesn’t name him and says they must give him to someone who wants to give him a name (she also says that he doesn’t have a mother)
- sy sê later sy wil nie vir hom ‘n naam gee nie, want dan sal hy iemand wees en vir haar is hy nie
- she later says she doesn’t want to give him a name because then he would be somebody and to her, he wasn’t
Zuziwe se woorde is baie belangrik: “Die ding wat jy aan hierdie kind doen, gaan na jou toe teruggebring word deur sy voormense” - sy sê Amazolo sal gestraf word vir die dinge wat sy doen (hierdie is baie belangrik deurgaans deur die boek)
Zuziwe’s words are very important: “Die ding wat jy aan hierdie kind doen, gaan na jou toe teruggebring word deur sy voormense” - she says Amazolo will be punished for what she is doing (this is very significant throughout the book)
Nou ontmoet ons vir Mvula en Thandi Mutwa - hulle het die kind aangeneem na sy geboorte, want hulle het ook ‘n baba gehad
We then meet Mvula and Thandi Mutwa - they had taken the child in after his birth, as they also had a baby themselves
Ons word aan Likwezi bekendgestel, wat vir Thandi werk en die kind voer - Thandi raas met haar hieroor, want sy wil nie hê die kind moet aan hulle beeste se melk drink nie
We are also introduced to Likwezi, who works for Thandi, who feeds the child - Thandi scolds her for doing this, because she says he may not be fed by their cattle’s milk
Amazolo word wakker, maar mag nie uit haar hut kom nie, want sy is steeds onrein in die oë van die mense - die onrein umnyama van die kind is steeds om haar
Amazolo wakes up but is not allowed to come out of her hut, as she is still impure in the eyes of her people - the impure umnyama of the child is still around her
Amazolo wil so gou moontlik weer begin werk
Amazolo wants to return to work as soon as possible
- sy is ‘n huisvrou op weeksdae vir sommige van die vroue in Tugella Ferry, insluitend Landdros Dube se vrou
- she is a housekeeper to some ladies in Tugella Ferry some days of the week, including Magistrate Dube’s wife
- die ander dae maak sy potte om langs die pad te verkoop
- the other days she makes pots to sell next to the road
Thandi gee vir kind terug vir Amazolo - Zuziwe het vir haar gesê sy moet
Thandi returns the child to Amazolo - Zuziwe told her to
Sy sê weer sy het nie ‘n kind nie
She says again that she doesn’t have a child
- Thandi sê die kind is baie mooi en sterk (belangrik vir later in die storie)
- Thandi says the child is very good-looking and strong (important note for later in the story)
Zuziwe sê vir Amazolo: “Jy was helder soos jou naam sê, maar nou het jy troebel geword.”
Zuziwe said to Amazolo: “Jy was helder soos jou naam sê, maar nou het jy troebel geword.”
- Sy bedoel dat sy/haar naam helder was, maar nou troebel/besoedel geword het
- She means to say that she/her name was once bright, but now it became muddy and polluted
Amazolo se naam beteken dou of water van gister
Amazolo’s name means dew or water of yesterday
Gedurende die eerste paar weke, voer sy hom, ruil sy doeke om en bad hom - maar niks meer as dit nie
During the first few weeks, she feeds him, changes him and bathes him - but nothing more
Hoofstuk 2
Amazolo sê vir Mev. Dube sy kan nie meer vir haar werk nie - sy het meer geld nodig om na die kind te kyk
Amazolo tells Mrs Dube she can’t work for her anymore - she needs more money to care for the baby
Sy werk nou heelweek vir Thandi - op Sondae maak sy nogsteeds potte
She now works for Thandi full time - on Sundays she still makes pots
Om die vrede te bewaar in Thandi se huis, dra sy die kind op haar rug
To keep the peace in Thandi’s house, she carries the baby on her back
Sy vind dit maklik om onderdanig te wees, want sy spaar al die geld wat sy kry by die poskantoor
She also finds it easy to be subordinate because she saves the money she gets at the Post Office
Mvula en Thandi sê hulle het nog nooit so ‘n goeie bediende gehad nie
Mvula and Thandi say that they never had such a good maid
Zuziwe sien hoe sy lag en sê dat die dou weer helder aan die grassaad hang
Zuziwe sees her laughing and says that the dew hangs bright against the grass seed again
(dit beteken sy is gelukkiger en verwys na die betekenis van haar naam)
(which means she is happier and refers to the meaning of her name)
Zuziwe sê vir haar dat dit tyd is om haarself weer oop te maak vir ‘n verhouding
Zuziwe tells her that it is time to open herself up to a relationship again
- sy sê dat die mans nie meer bang is vir die leeu onder die grond (Mlenzana) nie
- she says the men are not afraid of the lion under the ground (Mlenzana) anymore
- Amazolo sê dat leeus nie ondergrond bly nie, net molle wat bang is vir die son
- Amazolo says that lions don’t live underground, only moles who are afraid of the sun
Thandi en Mvula stry oor tradisies teenoor moderne gewoontes een middag
Thandi and Mvula quarrel about traditions vs modern customs one afternoon
Thandi sê Mvula wil ‘n Land-Rover ry, maar nie sy tradisies laat vaar nie
Thandi says Mvula want to drive a Land-Rover but not let go of his customs
Die ander kinders noem die kind Ongenagama - een sonder naam
The other children call the child Ongenagama - one without name
Die kind vra sy ma hieroor - sy sê dit is om haar te herinner aan die tyd toe sy nie dit werd was om sy ma te wees nie en die dinge wat sy gedoen het voor hy gebore is
The child asks his mother about this - she says that it reminds her of the time she was not worthy to be called his mother and of the things she did before he was born
Zolile 1 is baie bederf, want Thandi is dankbaar vir hom
Zolile 1 is extremely spoilt because Thandi is grateful to him
- hy het gekom toe sy hom nodig gehad het, toe sy amper nie kinders kon kry nie (daarna was sy heeltemal onvrugbaar)
- he came when she needed him, when it was almost certain she couldn’t have kids (after this she was completely barren)
Zolile 1 daag die kind uit om deur die bulkamp te hardloop - hy belowe hom geld
Zolile 1 challenges the child to run through the bull camp - he promises him money
Die kind wil die geld vir sy ma gee en aanvaar die uitdaging
The child wants to give the money to his mother and accepts the challenge
Zolile 1 steel geld uit sy ma se beursie om vir die kind te gee
Zolile 1 steals money from his mother’s purse to give to the child
Die kind hardloop deur die kamp sonder om seer te kry
The child runs through the camp, unscathed
Zolile 1 weier om die geld aan hom te gee en sê vir sy ma dat die kind die geld gesteel het
Zolile 1 then refuses to give him the money and he tells his mom the child stole the money
- die kind word geslaan, afgesien daarvan dat Thandi weet hy’s onskuldig
- the child gets beaten, despite the fact she knows he didn’t do it
- Amazolo verdedig nie die kind nie en voel skaam hieroor
- Amazolo doesn’t stand up for the child and feels ashamed of this
- Amazolo sê vir die kind dat hy van die volgende dag af by die huis moet bly
- Amazolo tells the child that he will stay at home from the following day onward
Daardie aand speel sy vir hom die umakweyane-boog, ‘n musiekinstrument wat Mlenzana vir haar gemaak het (‘n simbool van hulle liefde en eenheid)
That night, she plays the umakweyane-bow for him, a musical instrument Mlenzana made for her (a symbol in the entire book of their love and unity)
Die kind gaan uit in die veld saam met die ander seuns om bokke op te pas
The child goes out into the field with the other boys to tend to goats
‘n Maand later vra hy die ander seuns of hy saam met hulle beeste kan oppas
A month later he asks the other boys if he can tend to the cattle with them
- hulle weier en hou ‘n uitdaging om sy waardigheid te bewys (hy verloor)
- they refuse and they hold a challenge to prove his worth (he fails)
- hy bied dan aan om ‘n verlore bees te gaan soek (wat hy sien wegloop het) in ruil daarvoor om saam met hulle beeste op te pas - hy kom dan terug met die bees
- he offers to go look for a bees that ran away (after he saw where it went) in exchange for tending cattle with them - he then returns the bees
Hoofstuk 3
Zolile 1 probeer deur die bulkamp hardloop en word aangeval deur ‘n bul
Zolile 1 tries to run through the bull camp and is attacked by the bull
- hy word ernstig beseer en na ‘n groot hospitaal in Durban geneem
- he is seriously injured and taken to a big hospital in Durban
- Zolile 1 sterf in die hospitaal
- Zolile 1 dies in hospital
Thandi is nou desperaat - sy is bang Mvula skop haar uit oor haar onvrugbaarheid of vra die lobola terug
Thandi is now desperate - she is afraid Mvula will kick her out because of her barrenness or ask for the lobola back
Die volgende dag kom Amazolo werk toe in roudrag
The next day, Amazolo comes to work in mourning
- Thandi vertel haar dat dit goed is dat sy ween, want Amazolo se seun is dood
- Thandi vertel haar dat dit goed is dat sy ween, want Amazolo se seun is dood
- Thandi tells her it’s good that’s she’s mourning, because Amazolo’s son is dead
- Thandi vertel haar dat sy ses jaar gelede dei twee baba's omgeruil het
- Thandi vertel haar dat sy ses jaar gelede dei twee baba's omgeruil het
- Thandi tells her that she exchanged the two babies six years prior
- Sy vertel dat sy dit gedoen het omdat hy mooier was en sy gedink het die kind sou Amazolo se hart sag maak
- Sy vertel dat sy dit gedoen het omdat hy mooier was en sy gedink het die kind sou Amazolo se hart sag maak
- She says it was because he was better looking and she thought the child would make Amazolo’s heart soft
Amazolo neem die kind huis toe en sal eers oor 'n week terugkeer na Thandi (sy het Thandi oortuig sy het 'n week nodig om die kind voor te berei om terug te trek in die groot huis in)
Amazolo neem die kind huis toe en sal eers oor 'n week terugkeer na Thandi (sy het Thandi oortuig sy het 'n week nodig om die kind voor te berei om terug te trek in die groot huis in)
Amazolo then takes the child home and will only return a week later to Thandi (she convinced Thandi that she needs a week to prepare the child to move in the big house)
- sy weet dat die mense weet dat sy nie na die kind gekyk het met sy geboorte nie en moontlik vir Thandi sal glo
- sy weet dat die mense weet dat sy nie na die kind gekyk het met sy geboorte nie en moontlik vir Thandi sal glo
- she knows that people know she didn’t look at the baby at birth and might believe Thandi
- sy weet die kind is hare
- she knows that the child is hers
By Zolile 1 se begrafnis sit Amazolo die liggaam in die kis
- she knows that the child is hers
By Zolile 1 se begrafnis sit Amazolo die liggaam in die kis
At Zolile 1's funeral, Amazolo puts his body in the casket
Thandi huil baie erg by die begrafnis
Thandi huil baie erg by die begrafnis
Thandi cries a lot at the funeral
'n Week gaan verby en Thandi wag vir Amazolo om die kind terug te bring
A week passes and Thandi waits for Amazolo to bring the child
- hulle daag nie op nie en Mvula gaan na die hut om hulle te kry
- they don’t arrive and Mvula goes to her hut to get them
- sy is nie in die hut en hulle vind uit dat sy gevlug het
- sy is nie in die hut en hulle vind uit dat sy gevlug het
- she is not in the hut and they find out that she had fled
- Thandi en Mvula laat weet nie die polisie nie - hulle is bang daar word te veel vrae gevra
- Thandi en Mvula laat weet nie die polisie nie - hulle is bang daar word te veel vrae gevra
Thandi and Mvula don’t notify the police - they are scared they will ask too many questions
- hulle laat roep Zuziwe, wat vir hulle se Amazolo het weggehardloop met die kind
- hulle laat roep Zuziwe, wat vir hulle se Amazolo het weggehardloop met die kind
- they call for Zuziwe, who tell them that Amazolo ran away with the child
Thandi kry 10 hardlopers - hulle moet hardloop en soek na Amazolo so ver as wat hulle kan
Thandi kry 10 hardlopers - hulle moet hardloop en soek na Amazolo so ver as wat hulle kan
Thandi finds 10 men to run for her - they have to run and look for Amazolo as far as they can
Hoofstuk 4
Ons flits terug na Amazolo voor sy weggehardloop het met die kind
We flash back to Amazolo before she ran away with the child
- sy slag twee hoenders en kook hulle om saam te vat op die pad
- she slaughters two chickens and cooks them to take with them on the road
- sy laat die hoenders los op die erf sodat daar lewe is
- sy laat die hoenders los op die erf sodat daar lewe is
- she lets chickens loose on her yard so there is life
- sy neem die umakweyane boog saam met haar - sy voel dis die enigste manier om haar, die kind en Mlenzana saam te hou
- sy neem die umakweyane boog saam met haar - sy voel dis die enigste manier om haar, die kind en Mlenzana saam te hou
- she takes the umakweyane-bow with her - she feels it’s the only way to keep her, the child and Mlenzana together
- hulle vlug en sy se hulle is oppad na Mhlatuze
- hulle vlug en sy se hulle is oppad na Mhlatuze
- they flee and she says they are going to Mhlatuze
Hulle hardloop weg in die aand en Amazolo is baie bang
Hulle hardloop weg in die aand en Amazolo is baie bang
They are running at night and Amazolo is scared
- sy word aangeval deur 'n hond en kry ernstig seer (sy maak ook die hond dood)
- sy word aangeval deur 'n hond en kry ernstig seer (sy maak ook die hond dood)
- she is attacked by a dog and injured severely (she also kills the dog)
Die volgende oggend kom hulle by 'n stroompie waar sy haar wonde skoonmaak
The next morning she arrives at a stream where she cleans her wounds
- sy meng kruie met water en maak dit warm oor die vuur
The next morning she arrives at a stream where she cleans her wounds
- sy meng kruie met water en maak dit warm oor die vuur
- she mixes herbs with water and heats it over the fire
- sy vryf die kruie oor haar arm
- she smears the herbs on her arm
Hulle vind skuiling in die aand en maak 'n vuur
- she smears the herbs on her arm
Hulle vind skuiling in die aand en maak 'n vuur
They find shelter at night and make a fire
Amazolo vertel die kind van uHlankanyana, 'n baba wat met sy ma gepraat het voor geboorte en uitgespring het en sy eie naelstring afgesny het
Amazolo vertel die kind van uHlankanyana, 'n baba wat met sy ma gepraat het voor geboorte en uitgespring het en sy eie naelstring afgesny het
Amazolo tells the child of uHlakanyana, a baby who spoke to his mother before birth and jumped out and cut his own umbilical cord
Meteens kom 'n man wat Amazolo se naam ken uit die donkerte
Meteens kom 'n man wat Amazolo se naam ken uit die donkerte
Suddenly a man who knows Amazolo’s name appears out of the dark
Hoofstuk 5
Vanaf die vyfde dag wat Thandi hulle uitgestuur het, kom die hardlopers terug
From the fifth day that Thandi sent them, the runners return
- niemand van hulle kry Amazolo nie
From the fifth day that Thandi sent them, the runners return
- niemand van hulle kry Amazolo nie
- none of them had seen Amazolo
- sy betaal hulle nie vir hulle dienste nie
- sy betaal hulle nie vir hulle dienste nie
- she doesn’t pay them for their services
Mvula raas met Thandi en se sy is besig om haar tyd te mors
Mvula raas met Thandi en se sy is besig om haar tyd te mors
Mvula reprimands Thandi and says she is wasting her time
- hy se ook dat hy nie dink die kind is syne nie
- hy se ook dat hy nie dink die kind is syne nie
- he also says he doesn’t think the child is his son
Mvula vertel vir Thandi dat Likwezi 'n ruk terug vir Mlenzana by die winkel gesien het
Mvula vertel vir Thandi dat Likwezi 'n ruk terug vir Mlenzana by die winkel gesien het
Mvula tells Thandi that Likwezi saw Mlenzana at the shop a while ago
Thandi bel dan die polisie sodat hulle na die kind kan begin soek
Thandi bel dan die polisie sodat hulle na die kind kan begin soek
Thandi then asks the police to start looking for the child
Hoofstuk 6
Mlenzana ontmoet vir Amazolo by haar skuiling in die bos
Mlenzana ontmoet vir Amazolo by haar skuiling in die bos
Mlenzana meets up with Amazolo at their shelter in the bush
Hy sorg vir haar wonde en hy vertel haar hy gaan medisyne gaan haal by 'n nabygelee hospitaal
Hy sorg vir haar wonde en hy vertel haar hy gaan medisyne gaan haal by 'n nabygelee hospitaal
He tends to her wounds and then tells her he is going to go fetch something for her arm at a field hospital nearby
Amazolo wil nie vir die kind se wie Mlenzana is nie
Amazolo wil nie vir die kind se wie Mlenzana is nie
Amazolo doesn’t want to tell the child who Mlenzana is
Mlenzana hardloop om voorrade te kry om Amazolo te help
Mlenzana hardloop om voorrade te kry om Amazolo te help
Mlenzana runs to find supplies to help Amazolo
Hy is al weg uit Tugella Ferry vir 7 jaar
Hy is al weg uit Tugella Ferry vir 7 jaar
He had been gone from Tugella Ferry almost 7 years
Hy kry die veldhospitaal en kry 'n verpleegster om hom te help
Hy kry die veldhospitaal en kry 'n verpleegster om hom te help
He finds the field hospital and finds a nurse to help him
Amazolo is te ver, so sy gee vir hom die inspuitings en medisyne sodat hy haar self kan inspuit
Amazolo is te ver, so sy gee vir hom die inspuitings en medisyne sodat hy haar self kan inspuit
Amazolo is too far, so she gives him the injections and medicine to inject her himself
Sy gee ook vir hom antiseptiese room en antibiotika en toebroodjies om saam te neem
Sy gee ook vir hom antiseptiese room en antibiotika en toebroodjies om saam te neem
She also gives him antiseptic cream and antibiotics and sandwiches to take with him
Wanneer Mlenzana terugkeer na die plek waar hy Amazolo gelos het, is hulle weg
Wanneer Mlenzana terugkeer na die plek waar hy Amazolo gelos het, is hulle weg
When Mlenzana returns to the place he left Amazolo, they are gone
Amazolo en haar kind kry skuiling teen die reen tussen 'n klomp rotse
Amazolo and the child find shelter between cliffs to shield from the rain
Sy se hulle sal nie meer langer hoef te vlug nie - hulle is amper in Eshowe, in die Mhlatuze vallei (die mense daar lewe baie tradisioneel)
Amazolo and the child find shelter between cliffs to shield from the rain
Sy se hulle sal nie meer langer hoef te vlug nie - hulle is amper in Eshowe, in die Mhlatuze vallei (die mense daar lewe baie tradisioneel)
She says they won’t have to flee much longer - they are almost in Eshowe, in the Mhlatuze valley (the people there live very traditionally)
Sy se sy het geld gespaar sodat hy die volgende jaar skool toe kan gaan - sy neem 'n pak note uit van onder haar klere
She says she saved money so he can go to school the following year - she takes out a pack of notes from under her clothes
She says she saved money so he can go to school the following year - she takes out a pack of notes from under her clothes
Die kind vra vir Amazolo vir die eerste keer wie sy pa is, maar Amazolo antwoord hom nie
The child asks for the first time who his father is and Amazolo doesn’t answer
The child asks for the first time who his father is and Amazolo doesn’t answer
(Flits vorentoe tot na Sipho Amazolo se geld gesteel het)
(Flash forward to after Sipho robbed Amazolo)
(Flash forward to after Sipho robbed Amazolo)
Mlenzana kry 'n umuzi waar die mense besig is om fees te vier
Mlenzana comes upon a umuzi where people are celebrating
Die vrouens se dat dit 'n geseende dag was vir Sipho Khumalo, wat geseen is deur die voorvaders/geeste
Mlenzana comes upon a umuzi where people are celebrating
Die vrouens se dat dit 'n geseende dag was vir Sipho Khumalo, wat geseen is deur die voorvaders/geeste
The women say it was a blessed day for Sipho Khumalo, who was blessed by the forefathers/spirits
Mlenzana vra Sipho of hy Amazolo en die kind gesien het
Mlenzana asks Sipho if he’s seen Amazolo and the child
Mlenzana asks Sipho if he’s seen Amazolo and the child
- Sipho is onmiddellik bang en op die agtervoet asof hy iets weet
- Sipho immediately becomes frightened and offensive like he knows something
- Sipho immediately becomes frightened and offensive like he knows something
Hoofstuk 7
(Flits vorentoe na wanneer Sipho Amazolo beroof)
(Flashback to when Sipho robs Amazolo)
(Flashback to when Sipho robs Amazolo)
Amazolo weet nie wat haar wakker gemaak het nie
Amazolo doesn’t know what woke her
Amazolo doesn’t know what woke her
- sy het 'n baie ernstige koors en voel asof iemand haar dophou
- she has a very severe fever and it feels like someone is watching her
- she has a very severe fever and it feels like someone is watching her
'n Man kom nader en se hy het die vuur van ver af gesien
A man comes closer to her and says that he saw the fire from afar
- die vuur is amper dood so sy weet hy het gelieg en haar heel moontlik dopgehou vir 'n hele tydperk
A man comes closer to her and says that he saw the fire from afar
- die vuur is amper dood so sy weet hy het gelieg en haar heel moontlik dopgehou vir 'n hele tydperk
- the fire was almost dead so she knows that he was lying and probably watching them for some time
- hy se ook hy het nie vuurhoudjies nie, maar later sien die kind dat hy wel het
- hy se ook hy het nie vuurhoudjies nie, maar later sien die kind dat hy wel het
- he also says he doesn’t have matches but the child later sees that he does have
Sy vertel hom dat sy oppad is om haar man te ontmoet, maar Sipho glo haar nie
Sy vertel hom dat sy oppad is om haar man te ontmoet, maar Sipho glo haar nie
She tells him that she is on her way to meet her husband, but Sipho doesn’t believe her
Sipho val vir Amazolo aan
Sipho attacks Amazolo
- hy probeer haar vermoor en stuur die kind weg om hulp te gaan soek
Sipho attacks Amazolo
- hy probeer haar vermoor en stuur die kind weg om hulp te gaan soek
- he tries to rape her and she sends the child away to look for help
- sy wil ook nie he hy moet sien hoe hy haar verkrag nie
- she doesn’t want him to see him rape her
- she doesn’t want him to see him rape her
- hy skeur haar hemp oop en sien die geld, wat hy dan steel
- he tears open her shirt and sees the money, which he then steals
- he tears open her shirt and sees the money, which he then steals
Hoofstuk 8
(Flits weer vorentoe tot na Sipho Amazolo beroof het)
(Flash forward again to after Sipho robbed Amazolo)
(Flash forward again to after Sipho robbed Amazolo)
Mlenzana konfronteer Sipho
Mlenzana confronts Sipho
- Sipho is bang, want Mlenzana is die man wat Amazolo vir die kind gese het om te gaan soek
Mlenzana confronts Sipho
- Sipho is bang, want Mlenzana is die man wat Amazolo vir die kind gese het om te gaan soek
- Sipho is scared because Mlenzana is the man Amazolo told the child to go find
Hy ontken enige kennis van waar hulle is
He denies knowing where they are
He denies knowing where they are
Uit die bloute slaan Sipho vir Mlenzana met 'n knopkiere bo sy linkeroog en Mlenzana val
Out of nowhere, Sipho hits Mlenzana with a knopkierie above his left eye and Mlenzana falls to the ground
'n Vet vrou sleep Mlenzana na haar hut en sorg vir hom
Out of nowhere, Sipho hits Mlenzana with a knopkierie above his left eye and Mlenzana falls to the ground
'n Vet vrou sleep Mlenzana na haar hut en sorg vir hom
A burly woman drags Mlenzana to her hut to care for him
- hy vra haar om vir hulle bier te gaan haal en wanneer sy gaan, sluip hy uit
- hy vra haar om vir hulle bier te gaan haal en wanneer sy gaan, sluip hy uit
- he asks her to bring them beer and when she goes, he sneaks out
Hy sien vir Sipho wat eenkant toe stap om te urineer
He sees Sipho walking to the side to urinate
- hy gryp vir Sipho om sy nek en dreig hom
He sees Sipho walking to the side to urinate
- hy gryp vir Sipho om sy nek en dreig hom
- he then grabs Sipho around his neck and threatens him
- Mlenzana dink hy is deur een van Sipho se hardlopers betaal om te se waar Amazolo is
- Mlenzana thinks one of Thandi’s runners paid Sipho to tell them where Amazolo was
- Mlenzana thinks one of Thandi’s runners paid Sipho to tell them where Amazolo was
- Sipho vertel hom dan waar hy Amazolo die vorige aand gesien het
- Sipho then tells him where he found Amazolo the previous night
- Sipho then tells him where he found Amazolo the previous night
Mlenzana kry Amazolo en sien haar hemp is geskeur
Mlenzana finds Amazolo and finds her shirt torn
- hy spuit haar in met die medisyne - Penissilien en Tetanus
Mlenzana finds Amazolo and finds her shirt torn
- hy spuit haar in met die medisyne - Penissilien en Tetanus
- he injects her with the medicine - Penicillin and Tetanus
- hy dink een van Thandi se hardlopers het die kind gevat
- he thinks one of Thandi’s runners took the child
- he thinks one of Thandi’s runners took the child
- sy vertel hom dat sy die kind gestuur het om Mlenzana te kom haal en sodat hy nie sien hoe sy verkrag word nie
- she tells him she sent him to go find Mlenzana and so that he won’t see if Sipho raped her
- she tells him she sent him to go find Mlenzana and so that he won’t see if Sipho raped her
- sy vertel hom dat Sipho al haar geld gesteel het
- she tells him Sipho stole all her money
- she tells him Sipho stole all her money
Die kind ontmoet 'n klomp seuns wat beeste oppas
The child meets up with some boys tending to cattle
The child meets up with some boys tending to cattle
- hy daag hulle uit
- they challenge him
Later kry Mlenzana 'n kamp waar hy met hierdie seuns praat en hulle vertel hom waar hulle die kind gesien het
- they challenge him
Later kry Mlenzana 'n kamp waar hy met hierdie seuns praat en hulle vertel hom waar hulle die kind gesien het
Later Mlenzana comes upon a camp where he speaks to these boys, who tell him they saw the child
Mlenzana kry die kind by 'n umuzi
Mlenzana finds the child in a umuzi
- die vrouens het hom daardie oggend gekry toe hulle water gaan haal het
Mlenzana finds the child in a umuzi
- die vrouens het hom daardie oggend gekry toe hulle water gaan haal het
- the women found him that morning when they went to fetch water
- hy was aan die slaap toe hy hom kry - hy was uitgeput en sy voete was baie seer
- hy was aan die slaap toe hy hom kry - hy was uitgeput en sy voete was baie seer
- he was asleep when he found him - he was exhausted and his feet were very sore
Mlenzana keer terug na Amazolo om vir haar te se dat hy die kind gekry het
Mlenzana then returns to Amazolo to tell her that he found the child
- hy het hom daar gelos vir die aand
Mlenzana then returns to Amazolo to tell her that he found the child
- hy het hom daar gelos vir die aand
- he left him there to rest for the night
Hy vertel Amazolo dat dit nie goed is dat hulle hardloop nie
Hy vertel Amazolo dat dit nie goed is dat hulle hardloop nie
He tells Amazolo that it is not good that she is running like this
- hy se hulle kan nie net haar kind vat nie
- he says that they can’t just take her child
- hulle moet eers hof toe gaan en die landdros kan nie net doen wat hy wil nie
- he says that they can’t just take her child
- hulle moet eers hof toe gaan en die landdros kan nie net doen wat hy wil nie
- they must first go to court and the magistrate can’t just do what he wants
- sy stem saam dat hulle nie kan aanhou hardloop nie
- sy stem saam dat hulle nie kan aanhou hardloop nie
- she agrees that she can’t continue running
Mlenzana bring die kind terug na Amazolo die volgende oggend
Mlenzana brings the child to Amazolo the next morning
- sy vertel hom dat hulle teruggaan Tugella Ferry toe
Mlenzana brings the child to Amazolo the next morning
- sy vertel hom dat hulle teruggaan Tugella Ferry toe
- she tells him they are going back to Tugella Ferry
- sy se dat as die kind by haar bly, hy niks sal wees nie
- sy se dat as die kind by haar bly, hy niks sal wees nie
- she says that if the child stays with her, he will be nothing
- met Thandi en Mvula is sy pad oop, so hy kan iemand word
- with Thandi and Mvula his road is open, there he can become someone
- with Thandi and Mvula his road is open, there he can become someone
- sy vertel hom dat sy hom nooit van sy "ma en pa" (Thandi en Mvula) moes vat nie
- she tells him that she should have never taken him from his “mother and father” (Thandi and Mvula)
- she tells him that she should have never taken him from his “mother and father” (Thandi and Mvula)
Hoofstuk 9
Mlenzana, Amazolo and the child arrive in Tugella Ferry
The police wait for Amazolo and arrest her
- it was reported that she had kidnapped the child
They take the child to the constable to be returned to Thandi
Amazolo is now in jail
- she has a bed, a basin and a bucket
- she also sleeps on a cottonwool mattress and two firm blankets
- she says she doesn’t mind, because she is not used to softer bedding
She has to go back to court in one month - she was not granted bail
Mlenzana visits her in jail
- he sleeps in her iqhugwane at night
- he brings her food every day
- he doesn’t want to go back to Joburg
- she plays the umakweyane-bow for him
- he brings news of the child, which he gets from Likwezi in the mornings
= he is crying less and may walk around alone in the yard
= he likes Mvula and goes with him to the field now and then
= he is still scared of Thandi but it is going better
- he tells her he is going away to find her a lawyer to speak for her (he also wants to get her money back)
- she is scared he is leaving her again
- she asks him to sacrifice a ukucela inhlanhla-buck before his trip so that it will go well (he forgets to do this - this is relevant because his trip actually does not go as planned)
Mlenzana goes to Zuziwe to find out what the spirits say about the child
- she tells him the child is his
- she says the spirits don’t want to say whose child is whose
- he gives her money to look after Amazolo while he is away
He goes to the field hospital again and meets Sister Gumede again
- he tells her about Amazolo and that she is doing better
- he also tells her about his son
Mlenzana leaves to go find Sipho
Mlenzana finds Sipho and forces him to give Amazolo’s money back
Sipho says that there is still a lot left and he will show him where it is
- they get to a cliff where there is an eagle’s nest
- Sipho says the money is in the nest
- Mlenzana decides to climb up first, in case Sipho throws him with rocks if he goes up in front of him
- Mlenzana says the money isn’t there and Sipho says it is further up
- Mlenzana climbs further up and is then pushed by Sipho off the cliff
- Mlenzana hangs on but eventually loses his grip and falls to the ground
- Mlenzana dies
Thank you very much for these summaries , from all the students at Sutherland High who used this . It's a great help :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this, really helped
ReplyDeleteDear Jeanne Prinsloo
ReplyDeleteThank you for being so kind and providing us all with these summaries.It helped a lot.
Thank you very much now ii fully understand the story😇🙆👌👐💛
ReplyDeleteThis summary is amazing. I'm in Queen's College Boys High and my Afrikaans class does this book. This has been so convenient and beneficiary. 😇🙏🏼🔥
ReplyDeleteWats ur name
DeleteThanks for helping me in homework
ReplyDeleteThis really helped a lot ,thank you,I'm from Portchesfstroom High
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help
ReplyDeleteVery useful
thanks this was beyond helpful it was i dont even know wat to say nut thanks
ReplyDeleteYou are the best...much love
ReplyDeleteThis is absolute AMAZING!! THANK YOU! Is the summaries of chapter 10-15 available perhaps?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much ...This really help me A lot.Much appreciation
ReplyDeleteDo you also have the rest of the chapters?
ReplyDeleteThis is very helpful, thank you sm
DeleteGod bless u people
ReplyDeletethank you so much.
ReplyDeleteIs was so helpful 😄😃👏👏
ReplyDeleteThis was so helpful THANK YOU very much..I am just sad that Mlenzana died
ReplyDeleteIt was very helpful, thank you for the info
ReplyDeleteBIG purr for this
ReplyDeleteyeah shut up
Deletelove you you are lmost as hot as ronel <33333333333333333 much love
DeleteLife Saver
ReplyDeleteWe are being forced to read this book at my school😭😭😭😭😢
ReplyDeleteUs too. 😭😭
DeleteDude 😭😭😭😭💔
DeleteYall realize that this was published in 2010 November 7th
ReplyDeleteDANKIE TANNIE :3, such a laaf saver even in 2021 >w<
ReplyDeleteThank you��this summary helped me with my 1st term's class test��and now I'm using it again preparing for myfinal exam�� I'm from Waverley Girls High
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks this was the best summary 🤝and I appreciate t🫡
ReplyDeletePlease help this woman get medical treatment for her sick child!